Friday, August 10, 2007

The Greatest Grandpa

(I wasn't officially invited to post on here, but I stole the link from my mom's email)

The thing that sticks out in my mind about Grandpa was how proud he was of all of us grandchildren. He truly was our biggest fan--always made it to all sorts of baseball and volleyball games, piano and dance recitals, and always told us how great we were no matter how many points we lost by or how many times we messed up. He showed the DVD of my solo (about 30 seconds long) in Oklahoma! to people who could probably not care less...repeatedly.

Most recently, I remember how he made it to my graduation weekend even after falling and spending the morning in the ER. He was so upset that he missed the ceremony by just an hour or so, but I'm so glad he made it to the party the next day. After enjoying the singing hour with the Doots (pictured above), he sat cramped up in the den for the most part (with all 3 dogs), and he attracted quite a crowd with all his stories. By the end of the party, the room was full and Grandpa was the center of attention: everyone from Margie and Bernard to my youngest cousins on the Arnold side to Elizabeth's boyfriend was enjoying his great stories and not-always-as-great jokes.

I'll never forget Grandpa Doot, and like I was telling Grandma, I sure am glad she ditched that guy (her fiance, I think?) who went to war to marry Grandpa Ü

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